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How to ideate high-quality sales enablement content in 15 minutes

How to ideate high-quality sales enablement content in 15 minutes

Sales Enablement content means basically any content assets that can be used as a part of the sales process.

Sales enablement content can be something that the team uses internally or something that you share with the prospect. Either way, the goal is to help and guide the prospect in the right direction as they evaluate if the solution or product fits their needs.

Some typical sales enablement content examples are

Case Studies

A well-crafted case study can be an effective sales enablement tool that helps demonstrate the value of your product or service to potential customers. Use real data, when possible, and focus on the success of the customer, not just the features of your product or service.


Whitepapers are usually something more educational and should provide the readers with valuable information that helps them make informed decisions or learn something new. A good whitepaper serves insights or solutions to industry challenges, demonstrates thought leadership, and provides a detailed analysis of a particular issue.

Sales Scripts

Sales scripts provide sales representatives with a consistent and effective way to communicate with potential customers. Using sales scripts as sales enablement content can help ensure that your sales representatives are delivering a consistent message. By developing a customer-centric script, and customizing it for different buyer personas, you may be able to improve the effectiveness of your sales team and increase your chances of closing deals.

Product sheets or one-pagers

Product sheets or one-pagers can be used to provide potential customers with key information about your product or service. They should include all the critical information a potential customer needs to know, including the different features, benefits, pricing, and other important details that help differentiate your product from competitors.


Video demos

Video demos are another way to showcase your product or service's key features and benefits. For some, video as a format is easier to consume than text, for example. Take the opportunity to use real-world examples and scenarios to illustrate the benefits of your product.


Blog posts

A blog post is another classic sales enablement content asset type, usually used to educate potential customers about your product or service or to establish your brand as a thought leader in your industry.

How to generate sales enablement content ideas

The best kind of sales enablement content is content the sales team uses. But how to come up with quality content ideas that serve both the needs of the potential customer and the sales team? Here is an exercise you can do with the sales team.

Remember, the idea is to generate as many ideas as possible, so each step should not take more than a few minutes. The time to evaluate the ideas is later.

Sales enablement content ideation

  1. Gather your team for a content ideation meeting.

  2. Focus on one customer type or ideal customer profile. Decide and agree on what it is for this exercise.

  3. Switch the perspective to the customer's point of view. Remember to focus on the customer's problems and the business challenges they typically face.

  4. Ask: what is the number one question you always hear from this customer profile when you talk with them?

  5. Get everyone's answers on a whiteboard. It may be digital, or you can do this exercise in a meeting room.

  6. Next vote. What, in your opinion, from the ideas you see on the whiteboard is the critical problem this customer profile is asking about?

  7. Organize the ideas and prioritize according to the results of the vote.

  8. Next, discuss the potential solutions to the top 3 ideas people voted for. During which stage of the buyer's journey is this question typically asked, and when should it be answered?

  9. Voilà. You have now ideated some sales enablement content and engaged the team.

For the actual content creation part, find the best subject matter expert on the team and get your content producer and visual designer working on it. 

Ensure the team knows where to find the assets once it is ready. Hopefully, the team will feel empowered to use the content as they have participated in ideating and creating it.